Superior know how


Surface Areas of Angles

BlastOne’s comprehensive Surface Areas of Angles guide is an invaluable resource for blast cleaning and painting professionals. This detailed reference provides precise surface area calculations for both equal and unequal angle profiles, enabling accurate material estimation and project planning. Our extensive tables cover a wide range of nominal leg sizes and thicknesses, offering surface area measurements per metre and per tonne. Whether you’re working with 200x200mm equal angles or 150x100mm unequal angles, this guide ensures you have the exact data needed to optimize your blasting and coating processes. By utilizing this information, contractors can improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance the accuracy of their project quotes.

Equal Angles

Designation Profile Surface Area Designation Profile Surface Area
Nominal Leg Size A x B Nominal Thickness Per metre Per tonne Nominal Leg Size A x B Nominal Thickness Per metre Per tonne
mm mm m2/m m2/tonne mm mm m2/m m2/tonne
200 x 200 26 0.788 10.3 65 x 65 10 0.255 28.3
20 0.788 13.1 8 0.255 33.9
18 0.788 14.5 6 0.255 43.4
16 0.788 16.2 5 0.255 55.9
13 0.788 19.7 13 0.788 19.7
150 x 150 19 0.590 14.0 55 x 55 6 0.215 43.6
16 0.590 16.7 5 0.215 60.0
12 0.590 21.6 16 0.590 16.7
10 0.590 26.9 50 x 50 8 0.195 34.3
125 x 125 16 0.491 16.9 6 0.195 43.7
12 0.491 21.8 5 0.195 56.0
10 0.491 27.3 3 0.195 84.4
8 0.491 33.0 12 0.491 21.8
100 x 100 12 0.392 22.2 45 x 45 6 0.175 44.2
10 0.392 27.6 5 0.175 56.5
8 0.392 33.2 3 0.175 85.1
6 0.392 42.8 12 0.392 22.2
90 x 90 10 0.352 27.7 40 x 40 6 0.155 44.4
8 0.352 33.2 5 0.155 56.9
6 0.352 42.9 3 0.155 84.9
75 x 75 10 0.292 27.8 30 x 30 6 0.115 45.0
8 0.292 33.5 5 0.115 57.4
6 0.292 42.9 3 0.115 85.4
5 0.292 55.5 25 x 25 6 0.0953 45.8
5 0.0953 57.7
3 0.0953 85.1

UnEqual Angles

Designation Profile Surface Area
Nominal Leg Size A x B Nominal Thickness Per metre Per tonne
mm mm m2/m m2/tonne
150 x 100 12 0.491 21.8
10 0.491 27.3
6 0.255 43.4
150 x 90 16 0.471 16.9
12 0.471 21.8
10 0.471 27.2
8 0.471 33.0
16 0.590 16.7
125 x 75 12 0.392 22.2
10 0.392 27.6
8 0.392 33.2
6 0.392 42.8
12 0.491 21.8
100 x 75 10 0.342 27.6
8 0.342 33.2
6 0.342 42.9
12 0.392 22.2
75 x 50 8 0.245 24.1
6 0.245 43.6
5 0.245 56.3
65 x 50 8 0.225 34.1
6 0.225 43.6
5 0.225 55.9

DISCLAIMER: All and any tables, calculations, factors, formulas, etc ‘information’ on any of these pages are a guide only and shall not be taken as either the approved nor standard nor complying method nor formula nor calculation for any of the topics or aspects referred to, and neither is any claim made as to the completeness or accuracy of the ‘information’. It is the responsibility of the reader and/or users of this information to separately determine and verify the correct method, formula, factor, procedure, data, etc. for determining any such topics or aspects as directed or required or indicated in or by any work specifications and/or standards. Blast-One™ expressly disclaims any liability for the use or misuse of the ‘information’.

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