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Extend Your Coating Life: Essential Tips to Prevent Flash Rust After Blasting

Flash rust is a common challenge that industrial painters face, especially when using wet blasting or mist blasting techniques. If you’ve ever dealt with the frustration of seeing a freshly blasted surface start to rust before you can prime it, you know how critical it is to find an effective solution. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to prevent flash rust and keep your projects on track.

Why Does Flash Rust Occur?

Flash rust typically happens when a freshly blasted metal surface is exposed to moisture in the air. This is almost guaranteed when water blasting, but it can also occur in other high-humidity environments. The rust forms quickly, often within hours, and can significantly impact the quality and longevity of your coating.

The Simple Solution: Use a Rust Inhibitor

One of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent flash rust is by using a rust inhibitor. Products like Hold*Blast Rust Inhibitor by ChlorRid are designed specifically for this purpose. These inhibitors work by creating a protective barrier on the metal surface, holding the blast and preventing rust from forming until you’re ready to apply the primer.

There are two primary methods for applying a rust inhibitor:

  1. Direct Application: You can apply the rust inhibitor directly to the blasted surface. This method is effective but can add an extra step to your process.
  2. Integrated Application: A more efficient method is to add the rust inhibitor directly into the water tank of your mist blaster. This way, the inhibitor is applied automatically as you blast, saving time and ensuring even coverage.

Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Hold*Blast

In a recent test, we demonstrated the effectiveness of Hold*Blast using our MistBlaster Combo Skid, which is designed for both dry and wet blasting. Here’s how the test was conducted:

  • Step 1: Dry Blasting
    We started by dry blasting one section of a large metal pipe. The result was a clean, white metal surface, but without any rust inhibitor, this surface was prone to flash rusting.
  • Step 2: Wet Blasting with Hold*Blast
    Next, we switched to wet blasting mode on the MistBlaster, which included a mixture of Hold*Blast in the water tank at a 50:1 ratio. The wet blasting not only cleaned the surface but also applied the rust inhibitor.
  • Step 3: The Results
    We left the blasted pipe sections overnight. The dry blasted section showed significant flash rusting by the next morning. In contrast, the section treated with Hold*Blast remained clean and rust-free, demonstrating the inhibitor’s effectiveness in preventing flash rust.

Benefits of Using Hold*Blast

  • Extended Protection: When applied correctly, Hold*Blast can protect the blasted surface from rusting for up to 72 hours, as long as it doesn’t rain.
  • Easy Integration: By adding Hold*Blast to the water tank of your MistBlaster, you can integrate rust protection directly into your blasting process without adding extra steps.
  • Cost-Effective: Preventing flash rust not only saves you the time and labor of re-blasting but also helps ensure a higher-quality coating application, ultimately extending the life of your work.


Flash rust can be a major headache for industrial painters, but with the right tools and techniques, it’s a problem that’s easily managed. By using a rust inhibitor like Hold*Blast and incorporating it into your wet blasting process, you can keep your surfaces rust-free and ready for priming, even in challenging environments.

If you’d like to see the MistBlaster and Hold*Blast in action or have any questions about preventing flash rust, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you achieve the best possible results on your projects.

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